Best Pet Birds Price in India

Best Pet Birds in India 2023

Looking for the best pet birds in India? You’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’ll guide you through a list of top-notch avian companions. These feathered friends will bring joy and companionship to your life.

From the charming Budgerigar to the colorful Love birds and intelligent parrots, we’ve got you covered.

So, sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the perfect winged companion for you.

The 13 Best Pet Birds in india

1. Budgerigar

best pet birds in India

The Budgerigar is a popular pet bird in India.

Budgerigars, also known as budgies or parakeets, belong to the parrot family and are native to Australia. 

They are small, colorful birds with a playful and friendly nature, making them ideal companions for bird lovers.

Budgerigars are known for their ability to mimic human speech and can be trained to perform various tricks.

They have a lifespan of around 5 to 10 years and require a balanced diet consisting of seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

Proper care and attention are essential for their well-being, including a spacious cage, regular exercise, and social interaction. 

Budgerigars are intelligent creatures that thrive in a stimulating environment, making them a delightful choice as a pet bird in India.

There are various types of budgies you can own. check the Budgerigar Price in India to know the price of each budgie type.

2. Lovebirds

Love birds are popular pets in India. They are known for their vibrant plumage and playful nature. These small parrots belong to the genus Agapornis and are native to Africa.

Love birds are social creatures and thrive in pairs or small flocks. They have a strong bond with their mate and often display affectionate behavior towards each other, which is why they are called love birds.

In terms of appearance, love birds come in a variety of colors including green, yellow, blue, and peach-faced. 

Price of each color or type of budgies differ (check the article lovebirds price in India to know the price of each type).

They have a short, hooked beak that they use to crack open seeds and fruits.

Love birds require a spacious cage, regular exercise, and a balanced diet consisting of seeds, fruits, and vegetables to ensure their well-being. 

With proper care and attention, love birds can live up to 15 years or more in captivity.

3. Parrotlet

best pet birds in India

Credit- Geek2Nurse

If you’re considering getting a parrotlet as a pet, you’ll be delighted by their small size and vibrant plumage. 

Parrotlets are small parrots that belong to the genus Forpus. They are native to Central and South America and are known for their playful and energetic nature.

Parrotlets are social birds and can be quite affectionate with their owners. They have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years, making them a long-term commitment. 

These birds require a spacious cage, plenty of toys, and a balanced diet consisting of seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

It’s important to provide them with regular mental and physical stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. 

Parrotlets can be trained to perform tricks and imitate sounds, making them an entertaining addition to any household.

4. Canary


Canaries are popular pets known for their beautiful singing and vibrant colors. If you’re considering getting a pet bird, a canary might be a great choice for you. These small birds are native to the Canary Islands and are part of the finch family.

Canaries are known for their melodious songs, which they use to communicate and attract mates. They have a wide range of vocalizations and can even be trained to mimic tunes and sounds.

In terms of appearance, canaries come in various colors, including yellow, orange, white, and red. They have a compact body, short beak, and small feet.

Canaries are relatively easy to care for, requiring a spacious cage, a balanced diet of seeds and fresh fruits and vegetables, and regular cleaning and maintenance. They thrive in environments with moderate temperatures and should be kept away from drafts and direct sunlight.

Canaries are also social birds and enjoy the company of humans, but they may not get along well with other bird species.

Overall, canaries make delightful and entertaining pets that can bring joy and relaxation to your home.

5. Finches

To learn more about finches, you can research their diverse species and fascinating behaviors.

Finches belong to the family Fringillidae, which includes over 100 species. These small passerine birds are known for their beautiful plumage and melodious songs.

One of the most popular species of finches kept as pets is the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata). 

Native to Australia, these birds are social and can be kept in pairs or small groups. They are relatively easy to care for and adapt well to captivity.

Other commonly kept finches include the Gouldian Finch, Society Finch, and the Spice Finch. Each species has its unique characteristics, ranging from colorful feathers to intricate courtship rituals.

Check out Finches Price in India to know price of its popular type

6. Macaw


You should consider the vibrant and intelligent Macaw as a potential addition to your feathered family.

Macaws are large, colorful parrots known for their striking appearance and playful personalities. With their strong beaks and powerful wings, these birds are well-suited for an active lifestyle.

Macaws are highly social creatures and thrive on interaction and attention from their owners. They have the ability to mimic human speech and can be trained to perform a variety of tricks.

Macaws require a spacious cage, plenty of mental stimulation, and a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, and high-quality pellets.

It’s important to note that Macaws can be loud and demanding, so they may not be suitable for individuals living in apartments or those seeking a quiet pet. However, if you have the time, space, and dedication to provide for their needs, a Macaw can bring joy and companionship to your life.

7. Cockatoo

Best Pet Birds in India

If you’re considering adding a Cockatoo to your family, it’s important to understand that these birds require a lot of time, attention, and mental stimulation.

Cockatoos are highly intelligent creatures that thrive on social interaction and mental challenges. They have a lifespan of 40-60 years, so they will be a long-term commitment.

Cockatoos need daily opportunities for exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. 

They are known for their loud and vocal nature, so keep that in mind if you have noise-sensitive neighbors.

These birds also require a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, and pellets. 

Additionally, regular veterinary check-ups are essential to ensure their overall health and well-being.

With proper care and attention, a Cockatoo can be a wonderful and rewarding addition to your family.

There are various types of cockatoo the above image is of palm black cockatoo. To kown the price of palm black cockatoo and also the price of other types check out the article cockatoo Price in India


8. Conure


another popular pet bird in India – the Conure. There are 10 + types of conure  you can keep as pet among which the Sun conure is most popular in India

Conures are small to medium-sized parrots known for their playful and sociable nature. 

They are native to the Americas and are characterized by their vibrant plumage and expressive personalities. 

Conures are intelligent birds that can be easily trained and taught tricks. They have a wide range of vocalizations, from chirps and squawks to mimicking human speech.

In terms of care, Conures require a spacious cage, regular social interaction, and a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, and high-quality pellets. 

They thrive in environments with plenty of mental stimulation and opportunities for exercise.

Conures make excellent companions for individuals or families who are looking for an interactive and entertaining pet bird.

9. Golden Pheasant

The Golden Pheasant is a stunning bird native to the forests of western China. With its vibrant and elaborate plumage, this bird is a sight to behold.

The male Golden Pheasant boasts a golden crest, bright red body, and a long, sweeping tail. 

Females, on the other hand, have a more subdued appearance, with brown feathers and hints of blue and green.

These birds are known for their flamboyant courtship displays, where the males spread their wings, fan their tails, and emit a low call to attract females.

In the wild, Golden Pheasants primarily feed on seeds, berries, and insects. They are well adapted to forest habitats and are skilled climbers, using their strong feet and sharp claws to navigate branches.

The Golden Pheasant is a remarkable species that adds a touch of elegance to any aviary.

10. Lorikeet


Lorikeets are known for their vibrant feathers and playful personalities. These colorful parrots belong to the subfamily Loriinae, which consists of about 55 different species. (Read Lorikeet Price in India to know their prices)

Native to the rainforests of Australia, lorikeets are highly social birds that thrive in flocks. 

Their diet mainly consists of nectar, pollen, fruits, and insects. The unique brush-like tongues of lorikeets help them extract nectar from flowers. 

Due to their specialized diet, it is crucial to provide them with a balanced diet in captivity.

Lorikeets are intelligent and can be trained to perform tricks and mimic human speech. 

However, they are also notorious for their loud calls, which can be disruptive in a domestic setting. 

These playful and vibrant birds require plenty of mental stimulation and social interaction to thrive as pets.


11. Dove


If you want a peaceful and gentle bird as a pet, a dove would be a great choice.

Doves, scientifically known as Columbidae, are renowned for their calm and serene nature. They are popular pets all over the world, including in India.

Doves are small to medium-sized birds with a plump body and a short beak. They come in various colors, including white, gray, and brown.

Doves are highly sociable creatures and prefer to live in pairs or small groups. They are known for their cooing sounds and gentle behavior.

Doves are easy to care for and require a simple diet of seeds, grains, and fresh water. They are excellent companions and can live for up to 20 years with proper care.

12. Mandarin Duck

best pet birds in Inda

A mandarin duck is a strikingly beautiful bird with vibrant colors and is native to East Asia. 

These ducks are known for their exquisite plumage, with the males displaying a dazzling array of colors including orange, green, white, and blue. 

The females, on the other hand, have a more subtle appearance with predominantly brown feathers.

Mandarin ducks are often found in wooded areas near rivers and lakes, where they build their nests in tree holes or abandoned woodpecker nests. 

They have a diverse diet consisting of plants, seeds, insects, and small fish.

In terms of behavior, mandarin ducks are monogamous and form strong pair bonds. They are also known for their elaborate courtship displays, which involve intricate movements and vocalizations.

Despite their beauty, mandarin ducks can be challenging to keep as pets due to their specific habitat requirements and specialized diet. 

It is important to provide them with ample space, access to water, and a diet that closely resembles their natural food sources.

13. Parrots

best pet birds in India

Parrots are known for their ability to mimic human speech and are often kept as pets by people all over the world. 

These intelligent birds belong to the order Psittaciformes and are found in a variety of species, each with its own unique characteristics.

Parrots have a strong beak that enables them to crack open nuts and seeds, and their zygodactyl feet allow them to grasp objects with ease. 

They are highly social creatures and require a lot of mental stimulation and interaction with their owners.

Parrots also have a long lifespan, with some species living up to 80 years or more. They can be trained to perform tricks and even learn a few words or phrases.

However, it is important to note that owning a parrot is a long-term commitment and requires proper care and attention to ensure their well-being.

Remember, you can not own native parrots as it is illeagle. But, you can own foriegn parrots. So, make sure to research properly before buying the Parrot.


Are All Pet Birds in India Legal to Keep as Pets?

Yes, all pet birds in India are legal to keep as pets. However, it’s important to research and understand the specific laws and regulations regarding bird ownership in your area.

What Is the Average Lifespan of Pet Birds in India?

Pet birds in India have varying lifespans depending on the species. On average, smaller birds like budgies and lovebirds can live up to 10-15 years, while larger parrots like macaws and cockatoos can live for 50-60 years.

Can Pet Birds in India Be Trained to Talk?

Yes, pet birds in India can be trained to talk. Certain species, like parrots and mynah birds, have the ability to mimic human speech. With patience and consistent training, they can learn to say words and phrases.

Are There Any Specific Dietary Requirements for Pet Birds in India?

There are specific dietary requirements for pet birds in India. They need a balanced diet consisting of seeds, fruits, vegetables, and pellets. It’s important to provide them with fresh water daily and avoid feeding them harmful foods like chocolate or avocado.

What Are the Potential Health Issues That Pet Bird Owners in India Should Be Aware Of?

You should be aware of potential health issues that can affect pet birds in India. These may include respiratory infections, parasitic infestations, nutritional deficiencies, and avian influenza. Regular vet check-ups and a proper diet are important for their well-being.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, when it comes to the best pet birds in India, there are several options to choose from. 

Budgerigars, love birds, parrots, parrotlets, canaries, golden pheasants, lorikeets, doves, and mandarin ducks are all popular choices.

Each of these birds has its own unique characteristics and requirements, so it’s important to do thorough research before making a decision. 

Consider factors such as size, behavior, diet, and habitat to ensure that you provide the best possible care for your pet bird.

With proper care and attention, these beautiful creatures can bring joy and companionship to your home.

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