Samoyed Dog Price in India

Samoyed Dog Price in India (June 2023)- Latest Dog Price

Hello everyone, Today in Top Pet Products we are going to put some light on the “Samoyed Dog”. This fluffy, white canine has been around since ancient times and is now gaining popularity in India. 

With their playful personalities and gentle attitude, it’s no wonder why so many people are choosing to welcome a Samoyed into their homes. 

But what should potential owners know about the cost of this breed before committing to one? Let’s take a closer look at the  Samoyed dog price in India.

Samoyed Dog Price in India

It can be hard to give a definite answer to this question as prices vary depending on where you purchase the pup from. However, expect to pay anywhere between ₹50,000-₹1,00,000 for a purebred Samoyed puppy in India. This price range includes vaccination costs but doesn’t include accessories like crates or beds. Additionally, if you’re looking for show quality pups with excellent bloodlines then prices can go up even more.

When buying any pet it is important to consider not only cost but also care requirements.

Location Price(Rs)
Samoyed Dog price in Mumbai 60,000 Rs - 100,000 Rs
Samoyed Dog price in Delhi 50,000 Rs - 100,000 Rs
Samoyed Dog price in Kerala 50,000 Rs - 95,000 Rs
Samoyed Dog price in Banglore 60,000 Rs - 100,000 Rs
Samoyed Dog price in Kolkata 50,000 Rs - 100,000 Rs
Samoyed Dog price in Chennai 55,000 Rs - 100,000 Rs
Samoyed Dog price in Punjab 50,000 Rs - 90,000 Rs
Samoyed Dog price in Pune 50,000 Rs - 100,000 Rs

Factors That Can Affect the Samoyed Dog Price in India

Samoyed dog price in India
  1. Pedigree:

    The pedigree of the Samoyed dog plays an important role in determining the price of the dog. Generally, Samoyeds with a long lineage of championship titles command a higher price than those without. The more titles a Samoyed has won, the higher the price of the dog.
  1. Breeder:

    The breeder of the Samoyed dog is another factor that affects the price. Reputable breeders who have a long track record of producing quality pups will usually charge a higher price than those who are just starting out in the industry.
  1. Age:

    The age of the Samoyed dog is also an important factor that affects the price. Generally, puppies are more expensive than adult dogs, as they require more care and attention.
  1. Location:

    The location of the breeder also affects the price of the Samoyed dog. Generally, breeders in larger cities tend to charge higher prices than those located in rural areas.
  1. Quality:

    The quality of the Samoyed dog also affects the price. Samoyed dogs that are bred for show quality will usually cost more than those bred for pet quality.
  1. Supply and Demand:

    The supply and demand for Samoyed dogs in the market also affect the price. If the demand is higher than the supply, the price of the Samoyed dog will generally be higher. On the other hand, if the supply is higher than the demand, the price of the Samoyed dog will generally be lower.

About Samoyed Dog Breed

History and Origin-

The Samoyed dog is one of the oldest breeds in existence, dating back to ancient times. It’s believed that they originated from a nomadic tribe called the Nenets who lived near Russia and Siberia. They used these dogs primarily as working dogs in their daily lives–pulling sledges, herding reindeer, and protecting the family’s tents and belongings while travelling across the harsh terrain of northern Europe.

Here are some facts about the history of this amazing breed:

– The name “Samoyed” comes from an old Russian term describing them as “white people” or “self-employed people” due to their ability to take care of themselves during long journeys through extreme weather conditions.

– Their thick white coats were originally bred for survival against cold temperatures and snowfall, giving them insulation against both heat and cold climates.

– The original purpose behind breeding Samoyeds was for practical purposes such as sledging, hunting, transportation and companionship rather than showmanship.

By 1870, the breed had become popular with British aristocrats who began exhibiting them at dog shows around England and France. Over time, their popularity grew worldwide due to their intelligence and friendly personalities which endear them to owners everywhere. Today, they’re beloved members of many households all over the world!


The Samoyed is a medium-sized dog with an unmistakable look. They have a white or cream-coloured coat, which can range in length from short to long. Their eyes are almond-shaped and usually black or dark brown in colour. The ears are triangular and always erect, giving them an alert expression.

Their tails curl over their backs when they’re happy, but hang down naturally otherwise. This breed also has a thick undercoat that helps protect it against colder climates. Additionally, the fur on its face often stands out due to its slightly longer length than other areas of the body.

Overall, the Samoyed looks like a friendly and fluffy pup! Its beautiful white coat combined with bright eyes make it a joy to behold.

Lifespan andSize-

The average lifespan of a Samoyed is between 12 and 14 years. The average Samoyed weighs between 40 to 65 pounds or 18 to 30 kg. And stands between 19 and 23.5 inches tall at the shoulder.


The Samoyed dog is an active and friendly breed. It loves to be around people and has a strong need for companionship. They are intelligent, independent, loyal and have great stamina. They can quickly learn commands but may require extra time to master them. The Samoyed also loves to play games, especially fetching items or chasing after balls.

These dogs do best with consistent training from an early age as they can become easily distracted if not given direction. Owners should remain patient when working with their Samoyeds, as these dogs will test their boundaries at times in order to get attention from their owners. With the right amount of patience and consistency, this breed can make a wonderful family pet that is devoted and affectionate towards its humans.

Health issue-

The Samoyed is a strong and healthy breed of dog, but like all breeds, they may be susceptible to certain health issues. It’s important for potential owners to research the breed in order to understand any associated risks before committing to getting one.

There are many illnesses that affects this breed:

  1. Patellar Luxation – An issue with the kneecap joint which can cause pain and an inability to walk properly.
  2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) – A genetic disorder which causes blindness over time due to deterioration of the retina.
  3. Hip Dysplasia – An abnormality in hip structure which leads to lameness or arthritis in its advanced stages.

Tips To Take Care of a Samoyed Dog in India

Samoyed dog price in India


Grooming is important to keep the long fur of your Samoyed free from tangles and mats. It’s recommended that they are brushed daily or at least every other day with a slicker brush. Additionally, it’s best to give them baths once every three months unless needed more frequently due to dirt or an odour issue. To help protect their skin from dryness use a canine shampoo without harsh chemicals.


Exercise is necessary for this breed as they were bred to pull heavy loads through snow-filled terrain over vast distances in cold temperatures. 

They need plenty of physical activity so take them on regular walks and provide toys that will allow them to burn off energy when inside the house like chew toys and balls.

 As with all dogs, it’s also important not to forget about mental stimulation like playing hide and seek or teaching new tricks!


Proper nutrition plays an essential role in keeping up their health and well-being; feed them high-quality dog food you can also include homemade foods such as chicken, beef, lamb, fish, eggs etc., along with carbohydrates found in grains like rice and oats plus vegetables such as carrots, broccoli etc.; 

avoid processed foods which may contain unhealthy additives such as sugar and salt; select organic dog treats instead of store-bought ones since these often have preservatives that aren’t good for your pet’s health. Furthermore, make sure they always have access to fresh water throughout the day.


Samoyeds are intelligent dogs and respond well to positive reinforcement training. They have a strong prey drive and can be difficult to train off-leash, so it’s essential to start training early and be consistent.


Samoyeds are social dogs and enjoy being around people and other pets. Early socialization can help prevent shyness or aggression towards other dogs and strangers.

Vet care-

To keep your Samoyed healthy, routine veterinary exams are necessary. They might be more prone to specific health problems. So, it’s critical to keep an eye on their health and, if necessary, seek veterinary help.

In summary, taking care of your Samoyed requires some dedication but by making sure you groom them regularly, providing adequate exercise opportunities and feeding them healthy meals you can ensure their overall well-being.

Tips to Train a Samoyed Dog

Training a Samoyed dog requires patience, consistency and positive reinforcement. It is important to remain patient with your pup as they learn the basics of obedience. Start by teaching them simple commands such as sit, stay and come.

 Make sure you use consistent phrases when issuing commands so that your pup understands what you want from them. Positive reinforcement is key in training any dog, but especially one as smart as a Samoyed; reward them with treats or verbal praise for successfully completing tasks.

When it comes to potty-training your Samoyed puppy, make sure to set up a regular schedule and stick to it. Take your pup outside right after waking up in the morning, after meals and throughout the day at regular intervals. When they have an accident inside the house, do not scold them – instead take them outside immediately while praising their good behaviour if they finish their business outdoors.

Finally, socializing your Samoyed puppy early on is critical for preventing behavioural issues later down the line. Introduce new people gradually over time and provide plenty of rewards if your pup reacts well during encounters with strangers or other animals. With proper guidance and love, your Samoyed will become an obedient and loving companion!


1. Can Samoyed survive in India?

Samoyeds may live in India if given the right care and attention, but doing so could be difficult because of the breed’s thick white coat, which is better suited to cold climates. 

Samoyeds are susceptible to health issues like heat stroke due to India’s hot and humid weather.

 A further obstacle to their survival may be that the Samoyed breed is not well suited to the climate of India.

 Thus, it is advised that those who wish to keep Samoyeds in India provide them with the required care and attention and make sure they have access to cool and pleasant surroundings.

2. How much does a Samoyed puppy cost in India?

The cost of a Samoyed puppy in India can vary widely depending on where you purchase the puppy and the quality of the puppy. 

Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from around Rs. 50,000 up to Rs. 100,000 or more for a Samoyed puppy in India.

3. Is a Samoyed suitable for first-time dog owners?

There is no definitive answer. They are loyal and friendly, and they generally get along well with other pets and children. 

However, Samoyeds have a strong prey drive and may be difficult to train off-leash, which can pose a challenge for some owners. 

Overall, Samoyeds can make great pets for first-time owners who are willing to commit to their care and provide the necessary attention and resources to ensure their well-being.

4. Do Samoyed dogs bark a lot?

Yes, Samoyed dogs typically bark quite often. They are known for their high energy and vocal nature. However, you can train them to stop their excessive barking.

5. Is a Samoyed the same as a Pomeranian?

Samoyeds are not Pomeranians, though. Although they both resemble Spitz-type dogs and have similar appearances, the two breeds are separate and have different traits. 

Samoyeds are larger and come from Siberia, whilst Pomeranians are smaller and come from the German and Polish province of Pomerania.

6. Do Samoyeds have a tendency to be lazy dogs?

No, Samoyeds are not lazy dogs. They are an active and energetic breed that loves to run and play.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Samoyed Dog is an amazing breed that can be a great addition to any family. Its unique appearance and temperament make it one of the most sought-after dogs in India. 

However, potential owners need to keep in mind that its price may vary depending on the factors previously mentioned. Additionally, they should know about the health issues associated with this breed, as well as how to properly care for and train their new pet.

Owning a Samoyed Dog requires commitment, patience and dedication from its owner; however, all these efforts are worth it when you have such an intelligent and loyal friend by your side. 

I believe anyone who has experience owning or interacting with this breed will attest to their wonderful qualities. After all, there’s nothing like having a furry companion that loves you unconditionally!

So if you’re considering getting a Samoyed Dog in India, do some research first so you’ll know what to expect. Remember that while they require more effort than other breeds, they also bring lots of joy into people’s lives – something truly special indeed!

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