Maltipoo Price in India

Maltipoo Price in India 2023| Maltipoo Dog Price

Topic- Maltipoo Price in India

If you’re looking for a furry companion in India, a Maltipoo may be the perfect fit for you. These adorable hybrid dogs are a cross between a Maltese and a Poodle and are known for their affectionate nature, intelligence, and hypoallergenic coat.

However, before you rush to get a Maltipoo, it’s important to consider the Maltipoo price in India, as well as other factors that may impact your decision. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the factors to consider when getting a Maltipoo in India, including the Maltipoo price in India, and what you can expect when bringing one home

Maltipoo Price in India

The Maltipoo price in India can vary depending on several factors, including the breeder, location, and demand for the breed. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere between ₹70,000 to ₹1,50,000 for a Maltipoo puppy in India.

Location Price(Rs)
Maltipoo price in Mumbai 80,000 Rs - 1,50,000 Rs
Maltipoo price in Delhi 80,000 Rs - 1,50,000 Rs
Maltipoo price in Kerala 70,000 Rs - 1,20,000 Rs
Maltipoo price in Banglore 70,000 Rs - 1,50,000 Rs
Maltipoo price in Pune 70,000 Rs - 1,00,000 Rs
Maltipoo price in Hydearbad 70,000 Rs - 1,00,000 Rs

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Factors affecting the Maltipoo Price in India

The cost of a Maltipoo in India can vary depending on several factors, such as:

Breeder Reputation-

The reputation of the breeder can have a significant impact on the price of a Maltipoo. Reputable breeders who breed healthy and purebred Maltipoos will charge more than those who don’t.

Size and Color-

The size and colour of a Maltipoo can also affect the price. Maltipoos that are smaller or have unique colour patterns may cost more than those that are more common.


The location of the breeder can also impact the price of a Maltipoo. Breeders located in metropolitan areas or cities with high demand may charge more than those located in rural areas.

Vaccinations and Microchipping-

Breeders who provide vaccinations and microchipping for their Maltipoos may charge more for their puppies.

About Maltipoo Dog Breed

Origin and History –

Maltipoos are a relatively new breed, with their origins dating back to the 1990s in the United States. They are a cross between a Maltese and a Miniature Poodle, bred specifically to create a hypoallergenic dog with a low-shedding coat. The breed quickly gained popularity due to its friendly and affectionate nature, as well as its intelligence and adaptability. Today, Maltipoos are loved by many and have become a popular choice for those looking for a small, loving companion dog.


The Maltipoo has a long, fluffy face with a short muzzle and dark, expressive eyes. The ears hang down close to the face, and the tail is usually long, although it may be docked. The breed has a compact, round body with a deep chest and a sturdy, well-proportioned frame. The Maltipoo can come in a variety of colours such as white, cream, apricot, red, chocolate, black, or a mix of colours. The coat can be either curly or wavy and is generally soft and silky. 


Maltipoos are known for their friendly and affectionate temperament, making them great companion dogs. They are intelligent and eager to please, which makes them easy to train. Maltipoos are also very social and enjoy spending time with their human family, often following them around the house and seeking attention. They are good with children and other pets, and generally, get along well with everyone they meet. However, Maltipoos may suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of attention and socialization. Overall, Maltipoos are loving and loyal dogs that make for great family pets.

Lifespan and Size-

Maltipoos are a small breed, typically weighing between 5-20 pounds and standing around 8-14 inches tall.

Health issues in Maltipoo-

Common health problems in Maltipoos include patellar luxation, eye problems, breathing problems, hip dysplasia, and allergies. They are also susceptible to hypoglycemia, dental problems, and ear infections. They may also be more prone to colds, viruses, and other infections due to their smaller size. It is important to keep up with regular vet checkups to ensure that any health issues are caught early and treated properly.

Tips To Take Care of a Maltipoo in India

1. Feeding your Maltipoo

Feeding your Maltipoo a balanced diet is essential for their health and well-being. Here are some things to keep in mind when feeding your Maltipoo:

  • Choosing the right food-

    Choose a high-quality dog food that is specifically formulated for small breeds. Look for food that contains real meat, whole grains, and vegetables. Avoid food that contains fillers, artificial preservatives, or by-products.

  • Portion control-

    Small breeds like Maltipoos are prone to overeating, which can lead to obesity. Use a measuring cup to ensure that you are feeding your Maltipoo the right amount of food.

  • Frequency of feeding-

    Maltipoos should be fed twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Avoid leaving food out all day, as this can lead to overeating.

2. Grooming your Maltipoo

Grooming is an essential part of taking care of a Maltipoo. Their hypoallergenic coats require regular brushing and bathing to keep them clean and healthy.

  • Brushing-

    Brush your Maltipoo’s coat at least once a week to prevent matting and tangling. Use a slicker brush or comb to remove any tangles or knots.

  • Bathing-

    Bathe your Maltipoo every 2-3 months, or as needed. Use a gentle dog shampoo and conditioner, and avoid getting water in their ears.

  • Haircuts-

    Maltipoos require regular haircuts to keep their coats from becoming too long and tangled. Take your Maltipoo to a professional groomer every 6-8 weeks for a trim.

  • Nail trimming-

    Trim your Maltipoo’s nails every 2-3 weeks to prevent them from becoming too long and causing any discomfort. Use a sharp pair of dog nail clippers and be careful not to cut the quick, which is the pink part of the nail that contains blood vessels and nerves.

3. Training and socialization

Maltipoos are intelligent dogs that are easy to train. Here are some things to keep in mind when training and socializing your Maltipoo:

  • Basic obedience training-

    Start training your Maltipoo as early as possible, using positive reinforcement techniques like treats and praise. Teach them basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.”

  • Socialization-

    Socialize your Maltipoo from a young age by exposing them to different people, places, and animals. This will help them develop into well-adjusted and confident dogs.

4. Exercise and playtime

Maltipoos may be small, but they still need plenty of exercise and playtime to stay healthy and happy.

  • Exercise needs-

    Maltipoos should get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. Take them for walks, play fetch, or let them run around in a fenced-in yard.

  • Playtime-

    Maltipoos love to play, and it’s important to provide them with plenty of toys and games to keep them stimulated. Puzzle toys, chew toys, and interactive toys are all great options.

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Pros and Cons of Owning a Maltipoo in India


  1. Maltipoos are a great option for those with allergies or who are sensitive to pet dander.
  2. Maltipoos have a low-shedding coat that requires minimal grooming.
  3. Maltipoos are known for their friendly and gentle nature and are a great choice for families with children.
  4. Maltipoos are intelligent and easy to train.
  5.  They are small and do not require a lot of exercise.


  1. The cost of purchasing and caring for a Maltipoo can be expensive.
  2. They can be prone to separation anxiety if left alone for long periods.
  3. They can be prone to health problems such as hip dysplasia and luxating patella.
  4. They can be prone to excessive barking if not trained properly.
  5. Their coats may require regular grooming, depending on the type of coat they have.


1. Is a Maltipoo a good first dog?

Yes, Maltipoos can make good first dogs because they are generally easy to train, affectionate, and adaptable to different lifestyles. They also have a gentle temperament and are good with children, making them excellent family pets.

2. Does Maltipoos live long?

Yes, Maltipoos have a relatively long lifespan, with an average life expectancy of 12-15 years. However, their lifespan can be affected by factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health care.

3. Can Maltipoos survive in India?

Yes, Maltipoos can survive in India. However, they may require extra care due to the hot and humid climate in some regions. Maltipoos also need regular grooming and exercise, which should be taken into consideration when living in India.

4. Is Maltipoos very smart?

Yes, Maltipoos are known to be intelligent dogs. They are easy to train and can learn a variety of commands and tricks. Maltipoos are also quick learners and enjoy mental stimulation.

5. Does Maltipoos get sick easily?

Maltipoos, like all dogs, can get sick if they are not properly cared for. However, they are generally healthy dogs with a low risk of genetic health problems. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and exercise can help keep Maltipoos healthy.

6. Is Maltipoo a quiet dog?

Maltipoos are generally quiet dogs and do not bark excessively. However, they may bark if they feel threatened or if they are trying to alert their owners to something.

7. Can Maltipoos be aggressive?

Maltipoos are not typically aggressive dogs. They have a gentle and affectionate nature and get along well with other dogs and pets.

8. What is a Maltipoo diet?

Maltipoos require a balanced diet that is high in protein and low in fat. A diet that includes high-quality dog food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional treats is recommended. It is also important to provide fresh water at all times.

9. Do Maltipoo dogs smell?

Maltipoos, like all dogs, can develop an odour if they are not regularly groomed. Regular bathing, brushing, and grooming can help prevent any unpleasant odours.

10. What human foods can Maltipoos eat?

Maltipoos can eat some human foods, but it is important to know which foods are safe for them. Some human foods that are safe for Maltipoos to eat include cooked chicken, rice, vegetables, and fruits. However, foods such as chocolate, onions, garlic, and grapes can be toxic to dogs and should be avoided.

11. Do Maltipoo dogs sleep a lot?

Maltipoos, like all dogs, require a lot of sleep. They typically sleep upto14 hours a day, with some dogs sleeping more or less than this depending on their age and activity level.

12. How many times do Maltipoos eat?

Maltipoos should be fed two to three small meals a day. Depending on their size, age, and degree of activity, they will require a different amount of food.

13. Does Maltipoos protect their owners?

Maltipoos are not typically guarding dogs. however, they can be protective of their owners and may alert their owners to any potential threats.

14. Which is better Maltese or Maltipoo?

Both Maltese and Maltipoos make great pets, but they have some differences. Maltese dogs are generally smaller than Maltipoos and have a longer lifespan. Maltipoos have a more hypoallergenic coat and may shed less than Maltese dogs. Ultimately, the best choice depends on the individual’s lifestyle and preferences.

15. Can Maltipoo be left alone?

Maltipoos can be left alone for short periods, but they do not like being alone for long periods. They enjoy human interaction and can become anxious or destructive if left alone for too long. It is recommended to leave them with toys and treats to keep them occupied.

16. Does Maltipoos bark a lot?

Maltipoos do not generally bark excessively, but they may bark if they feel anxious or if they see or hear something that alarms them. Proper training and socialization can help reduce any excessive barking.

17. Does Maltipoos bond with one person?

Maltipoos are known to bond closely with their owners and can become attached to one person in particular. However, they can also bond with other family members and enjoy spending time with everyone. It is important to socialize them early on to prevent separation anxiety.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, if you’re considering bringing home a Maltipoo in India, it’s important to understand the factors that affect their price and where to buy them. By doing your research and choosing a reputable breeder or adoption centre, you can bring home a happy and healthy Maltipoo to join your family. Remember to take good care of your Maltipoo by providing regular grooming, exercise, and attention.

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