kintamani dog on the grass

Kintamani Dog: Price, Facts, Temperament, and More

The Kintamani dog, also known as the Balinese dog, is a unique and beautiful breed that originated in the Kintamani region of Bali, Indonesia. 

Kintamani are the streets dogs of the Bali similarly as we have Indian street dogs (Pariah dogs) in our country.

With its striking appearance and loyal nature, this dog has gained popularity among dog enthusiasts worldwide. 

In this article, we will explore various aspects of the Kintamani dog, including its price, interesting facts, temperament, and more.

Kintamani Dog History And Origin

The Kintamani dog, also known as the Bali dog or Balinese dog, has a fascinating history rooted in the rich culture of the Indonesian island of Bali. 

Believed to have originated over a thousand years ago, these dogs were treasured companions to the Balinese people, serving as loyal protectors and symbols of prestige. 

According to local folklore, Kintamani dogs were believed to possess spiritual powers and were revered as protectors against evil spirits.

The Kintamani dog’s lineage can be traced back to ancient temple dogs and indigenous hunting dogs, resulting in a breed that embodies strength, agility, and intelligence. 

Despite their historical significance, the Kintamani dog’s population reduce in recent years due to a combination of factors, including interbreeding and the introduction of foreign dog breeds. 

Today, efforts are being made to preserve and promote the unique heritage of the Kintamani dog, ensuring its legacy continues to be celebrated for generations to come.

Appearance And Physical Characteristics

kanitmani dog appearance

The Kintamani dog is a medium-sized breed known for its muscular build and well-proportioned body. It is characterized by its erect ears, almond-shaped eyes, and a curly tail that rests on its back. This breed has a dense double coat, with the outer coat being long and straight, while the undercoat provides insulation.

The Kintamani dog possesses distinct physical characteristics that set it apart from other breeds. Here are some key features:

  1. Size: The Kintamani dog is a medium-sized breed, with males typically standing between 17 to 22 inches (43 to 56 cm) at the shoulder and females slightly smaller.
  2. Weight: The average weight of a Kintamani dog ranges from 35 to 55 pounds (16 to 25 kg).
  3. Coat: This breed has a thick double coat, with a longer outer coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling.
  4. Colors: The Kintamani dog is predominantly white in color, but can also be found in brindle, biege, black and fawn

Temperament and Behaviour

The Kintamani dog is known for its calm and gentle temperament, making it an ideal companion for families and individuals alike. 

This breed is affectionate, loyal, and generally gets along well with children and other pets. 

They are intelligent and trainable, displaying a willingness to please their owners. Despite their gentle nature, Kintamani dogs can also be alert and protective, making them excellent watchdogs. 

Their balanced temperament, combined with their stunning appearance, makes the Kintamani dog a unique and cherished addition to any household.

Kintamani Dog Price

kintamani dog bai

If you’re interested in bringing a Kintamani Dog into your home, it’s essential to consider the price range and availability of these dogs. 

The price of a Kintamani Dog can vary depending on factors such as lineage, age, and breeder reputation. 

Unfortunately, Kintamani dog’s price is unknown as it is lesser known breed and you will not find any kintamani dog in Indian.

However,  On average, you can expect to pay between 30,000 and 70,000 Rs for a Kintamani puppy through export options. 

It’s crucial to find a reputable breeder who follows ethical practices and ensures the well-being of their dogs.

Factors Affecting The Kintamani Dog Price

  1. Pedigree and Bloodline: Kintamani dogs with a strong lineage and desirable ancestry are often more expensive. Dogs from champion or show-winning parents may have a higher price since they have a greater potential to exhibit desirable traits and meet breed standards.

  2. Age: The age of the Kintamani dog can impact its price. Generally, puppies are pricier than adult dogs because of the time, effort, and expenses involved in raising and training them.

  3. Health and Medical Records: Dogs with a clean bill of health, up-to-date vaccinations, and comprehensive medical records tend to have a higher price. This provides assurance to potential buyers that the dog has received proper care and is less likely to have underlying health issues.

  4. Physical Conformation: Kintamani dogs that closely match the breed’s standards in terms of appearance, structure, and features may be priced higher. Dogs with desirable traits like a well-proportioned body, correct gait, and distinct markings may hold greater value.

  5. Show Potential: If a Kintamani dog shows promise in the show ring or has already achieved success in dog shows, its price may increase. Dogs with show-quality potential are in higher demand among breeders and enthusiasts seeking to enhance their breeding programs or participate in competitions.

  6. Breeder Reputation: The reputation and credibility of the breeder can influence the price. Established and reputable breeders known for producing healthy, well-socialized, and high-quality Kintamani dogs may charge a premium for their puppies.

  7. Demand and Availability: Supply and demand dynamics can impact the price of Kintamani dogs. If the breed is rare or highly sought after, the price may rise. Conversely, if there are more Kintamani dogs available than potential buyers, the price may be lower.

It is crucial for potential buyers to consider these factors and conduct thorough research to ensure they are paying a fair price for a Kintamani dog and acquiring it from a reputable source.

Kintamani Dog Lifespan

The Kintamani dog is known to have a relatively long lifespan compared to other dog breeds. 

On average, they can live between 12 to 15 years, with some individuals even reaching 17 years or more with proper care and a healthy lifestyle. 

Factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, and overall healthcare play crucial roles in determining the lifespan of a Kintamani dog. 

Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and providing them with plenty of physical and mental stimulation can contribute to their longevity. 

With their potential for a lengthy life, Kintamani dogs offer years of companionship, love, and joy to their owners.

Kintamani Dog Adptability and Trainaility

The Kintamani dog demonstrates a commendable level of adaptability and trainability. This breed is known for its ability to adjust well to different environments and lifestyles. 

Whether living in an apartment or a spacious home, Kintamani dogs can adapt to various living situations as long as their exercise and mental stimulation needs are met. 

Furthermore, their intelligence and willingness to please make them highly trainable. They excel in obedience training and can learn commands and tricks relatively quickly. Consistent positive reinforcement methods and early socialization play a vital role in shaping their behavior. 

With their adaptability and trainability, Kintamani dogs can easily become well-behaved and obedient companions, enriching the lives of their owners.

Health Issues

Here are some potential health issues that can affect Kintamani dogs:

  1. Hip Dysplasia: This is a common orthopedic condition where the hip joint doesn’t develop properly, leading to discomfort and difficulty in movement.

  2. Patellar Luxation: This condition occurs when the kneecap becomes dislocated, causing lameness and pain. It can range from mild to severe.

  3. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): PRA is an inherited eye disorder that leads to progressive vision loss and eventual blindness.

  4. Deafness: Some Kintamani dogs may inherit congenital deafness, which can be present at birth or develop over time.

  5. Dental Issues: Kintamani dogs may be susceptible to dental problems such as periodontal disease and tooth decay, emphasizing the importance of regular dental care.

  6. Allergies: Like many other breeds, Kintamani dogs can develop allergies, which may manifest as skin irritations, itching, or gastrointestinal issues.

Nutrition For Kintamani Dogs

  1. Balanced Diet: Provide a well-balanced diet that meets the nutritional needs of Kintamani dogs. Include a combination of high-quality commercial dog food and fresh, whole foods.

  2. Protein: Ensure that the diet contains an adequate amount of high-quality protein. Protein sources can include lean meats (chicken, turkey, beef), fish, and eggs.

  3. Carbohydrates: Incorporate complex carbohydrates such as whole grains (brown rice, oats) and vegetables. These provide energy and essential nutrients.

  4. Fruits and Vegetables: Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in their diet. These can be served as treats or mixed with their food. Avoid feeding toxic fruits and vegetables like grapes, raisins, onions, and garlic.

  5. Portion Control: Feed the appropriate portion sizes based on your Kintamani dog’s age, size, and activity level. Avoid overfeeding, as obesity can lead to various health issues.

  6. Avoid Harmful Foods: Some human foods are toxic to dogs. Avoid feeding them chocolate, caffeine, onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, and foods high in salt, sugar, or artificial additives.

  7. Hydration: Ensure your Kintamani dog has access to fresh, clean water at all times. Hydration is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

  8. Feeding Schedule: Establish a regular feeding schedule. Most adult dogs thrive on two meals per day, while puppies may require more frequent feedings.

  9. Dietary Restrictions: If your Kintamani dog has specific dietary restrictions or allergies, consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate diet plan and possible food alternatives.

Monthly Maintenace Cost of Kintamani

  1. Food: High-quality dog food suitable for the nutritional needs of Kintamani dogs is essential. The monthly cost can range from ₹1,500 to ₹3,000 or more, depending on the brand, size of the dog, and dietary requirements.

  2. Veterinary Care: Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive treatments are necessary for the health of your Kintamani dog. The cost can vary, but budgeting around ₹4,000 to ₹10,000 annually is advisable, considering routine care and occasional unexpected medical expenses.

  3. Grooming: Kintamani dogs have a thick coat that requires regular grooming. This can include brushing, bathing, and occasional professional grooming sessions. Budgeting around ₹500 to ₹1,000 per month should suffice for grooming needs.

  4. Training and Socialization: Investing in obedience training and socialization classes is beneficial for the overall well-being of your Kintamani dog. The cost can vary depending on the training facility, but budgeting around ₹1,000 to ₹2,500 per month should cover basic training needs.

  5. Toys and Accessories: Providing appropriate toys, collars, leashes, and other accessories for your Kintamani dog’s entertainment and well-being can cost around ₹1000 to ₹2,000 or more anually, depending on your preferences and the quality of products.

Tips To Take Care of a Kintamani Dog

kintamani dog puppy


Provide a balanced and nutritious diet specifically formulated for Kintamani dogs. Consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate portion sizes and dietary requirements based on your dog’s age, size, and activity level.


Engage your Kintamani dog in regular physical exercise to keep them fit and mentally stimulated. Daily walks, playtime, and interactive activities like fetch or agility training are beneficial. Ensure they have a secure and spacious area to run and play.


Kintamani dogs have a dense double coat, so regular grooming is necessary. Brush their coat at least once a week to prevent matting and remove loose hair. Bathe them when needed, using dog-specific shampoo. Trim their nails regularly and clean their ears to maintain overall hygiene.


Early socialization is crucial for Kintamani dogs. Introduce them to various environments, people, and animals to help them develop good social skills and reduce the likelihood of fear or aggression. Enroll them in puppy socialization classes for positive interactions.


Kintamani dogs are intelligent and respond well to positive reinforcement training methods. Start training early and be consistent, focusing on basic obedience commands like sit, stay, and recall. Use rewards such as treats, praise, and play to motivate and reinforce good behavior.

Veterinary Care: 

Schedule regular veterinary check-ups to monitor your Kintamani dog’s health, vaccinations, and preventive care. Keep them up-to-date on vaccinations, flea/tick prevention, and deworming. Seek immediate veterinary attention if you notice any unusual symptoms or behavior changes.

Mental Stimulation: 

Kintamani dogs thrive with mental stimulation. Provide puzzle toys, interactive games, and training sessions to challenge their intellect and prevent boredom. Rotate toys regularly to keep their interest and engage them in activities that tap into their natural instincts.

Safety and Security: 

Ensure your home and outdoor area are safe and secure for your Kintamani dog. Secure fences, remove potential hazards, and provide a comfortable and sheltered space for them. Keep toxic substances out of their reach and provide identification tags or microchipping for identification purposes.

Love and Attention: 

Kintamani dogs thrive on love and attention from their owners. Spend quality time with them, provide plenty of affection, and make them feel like a valued member of the family. Regular playtime, cuddling, and positive interactions will strengthen your bond.

Monitoring and Observation: 

Pay attention to any changes in your Kintamani dog’s behavior, appetite, or overall well-being. Monitor their weight, coat condition, and energy levels. Detecting any potential health issues early can help ensure prompt veterinary care.

Amazing Facts About Kintamani Dog

  • Originates from the Kintamani region of Bali, Indonesia. The breed is named after this volcanic mountainous region.

  • Considered a rare dog breed, with estimates of only around 600-800 purebred Kintamani dogs remaining.

  • Classified as a primitive dog breed, meaning it is one of the ancient types of dogs that has evolved minimally over time.

  • Alert, intelligent, and loyal companion dogs that bond closely with their owners. They are protective and make good watchdogs.

  • Agile and energetic, requiring daily exercise. Historically used for hunting, guarding, and as fighting dogs.

  • Kintamani dogs are the first breed from the indonesia to be recognized internationally. 


What is the average lifespan of a Kintamani dog?

The average lifespan of a Kintamani dog is around 12 to 15 years with proper care and nutrition.

Are Kintamani dogs good with children?

Yes, Kintamani dogs can be good with children when properly socialized and trained from a young age.

Are Kintamani dogs prone to any specific health issues?

Kintamani dogs are generally healthy, with no specific breed-related health issues. However, regular veterinary care is still essential.

Can Kintamani dogs adapt to apartment living?

Kintamani dogs are adaptable and can live in apartments as long as they receive sufficient exercise and mental stimulation.

How much do Kintamani Dogs cost?

A Kintamani Dog can range from 30,000 to 70,000 Rs, depending on factors such as lineage, age, and breeder reputation.

Do Kintamani Dogs require a lot of exercise?

Yes, Kintamani dogs are active and energetic by nature. They require regular exercise, including daily walks and interactive playtime, to stay physically and mentally stimulated.

Are Kintamani Dogs hypoallergenic?

No, Kintamani dogs are not considered hypoallergenic. They have a moderate shedding coat that requires regular grooming to minimize loose hair.

Do Kintamani Dogs bark a lot?

Kintamani dogs have a moderate tendency to bark. Proper training and socialization can help minimize excessive barking behaviour.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Kintamani dog is a remarkable breed known for its beauty, loyalty, and intelligence. 

With their striking appearance and affectionate nature, they make wonderful companions for individuals and families alike. 

If you are considering adding a Kintamani dog to your household, ensure you provide them with love, proper care, and a fulfilling lifestyle.

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